Wednesday, May 9, 2012

[RED DEMOCRATICA] International bodies focus on food security


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May 9, 2012 | News covering the UN and the worldSign up  |  E-Mail this  |  Donate

International bodies focus on food security

Producing enough food to feed the world's population and ensuring that those people can afford and access food are key to solving poverty and grappling with climate change, writes Stephen O'Brien, a British member of Parliament. "Starting at the upcoming G-8 summit, we will help launch a new alliance to lift 50 million out of poverty over the next ten years, using private sector investment to help people achieve the food security we all take for granted in the U.K.," he writes. (5/9) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story

[Video] Did you know 89% of Americans support @UN programs in healthcare, education rights for women and girls?"


"Following Francois Hollande's victory yesterday in the second round of the presidential election, the French presidency has shifted left for the first time in 17 years. Many commentators and analysts see Hollande's victory primarily as Sarkozy's defeat. This is the first time since Valery Giscard d'Estaing in 1981 that an incumbent loses his bid for a second term."

UN Dispatch

United Nation
  • The value of natural capital
    Governments risk straying from the path of green economic growth if they do not place monetary values on natural capital such as forests, peatlands and coastal areas, according to a report published today by the World Bank. "We do not believe that current growth patterns are sustainable," said Rachel Kyte, a bank vice president, who added that recent models of economic growth have come at the expense of the environment. The Guardian (London) (5/9) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
  • UN nuclear inspector dies after a car accident in Iran
    A United Nations nuclear inspector from South Korea died Tuesday and a Slovakian inspector was injured when their car overturned near Iran's Arak heavy-water plant, a nuclear site southwest of Tehran. Separately, the Institute for Science and International Security said satellite imagery appeared to show that Iranian authorities were removing evidence of nuclear weapons-related research at the Parchin military complex ahead of any inspection. The New York Times (tiered subscription model) (5/8), Reuters (5/9) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
  • Other News
Health and Development
  • Gamers are enlisted to diagnose deadly malaria
    A free online crowdsourcing game designed by university researchers allows players to help pathologists pinpoint malaria-infected red blood cells. "The idea is to use crowds to get collectively better in pathologic analysis of microscopic images, which could be applicable to various telemedicine problems," said Sam Mavandadi, one of the researchers. Macworld (5/8) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
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Climate and Energy
  • Research closes in on artificial photosynthesis
    Scientist Daniel Nocera has been focused on providing energy for the world's poorest people since the early 1980s. He has pursued gains in artificial photosynthesis, last year announcing advancements in developing "a cheap, playing-card-size coated-silicon sheet that, when placed in a glass of tap water and exposed to sunlight, split the water into hydrogen and oxygen." The New Yorker (subscription required) (5/14) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
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Peacekeeping and Security
  • S. Sudan is warned of consequences of oil halt
    South Sudan's suspension of oil production to prevent theft from Sudanese pipelines could devastate the fledgling country's economy and lead to governmental crisis, according to the World Bank. A memo by Marcelo Giugale, the bank's director of economic policy and poverty reduction programs for Africa, emphasizes that the government could be broke by July, with likely "social and political fragmentation, unrest and instability." Bay blog (5/8) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
  • Other News
UN Foundation and Better World Campaign
  • Monique Coleman Joins UN Foundation's Girl Up Campaign
    The United Nations Foundation's Girl Up campaign has announced that actress and singer Monique Coleman will join the campaign as its newest Girl Up Champion. In this role, Coleman will help inspire American teens to take action to empower girls in developing countries. Learn more. LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
Spotlight: UN Foundation Partners
  • UNAIDS launches "Believe it. Do it." action campaign
    The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS has launched a campaign, "Believe it. Do it.", aimed at bringing attention and action to the global goal of ending new HIV infections among children by 2015 and ensuring mothers living with HIV remain healthy. Learn more. LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
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