Tuesday, December 21, 2010

[RED DEMOCRATICA] How mean are these senators, especially Republicans/Que malos son estos Senadores, especialmente los Republicanos


Message in English and Spanish
Friends and Leaders:
Please accept my respectful greetings and also my sad disposition. Last Saturday December 17, 2010, I returned from Washington, DC, with the same sadness and unworthiness I felt when the heartless terrorists flew into our twin towers (one of the symbols of the United States until 2001).

I came with the same helplessness that I had at that time, of not being able to do anything towards a treacherous attack directed to a peaceful group of workers whose only activity was to work and protect their families. At that time, nearly 3 thousand brothers and sisters who were not soldiers, were killed as a result of a cowardly attack by the enemies of democracy.
But why did that memory come to mind? Because that is how we felt those of us that went to Washington DC, sad, angry and betrayed. Mainly attacked by irrationality, lack of understanding and neglect group of senators that did not assess -without putting the politicking aside- that they were breaking the 'dreams' of thousands and thousands of peaceful and talented students who know only the "The Star Spangled Banner" as their national anthem.
In my home country, the senators are called "Fathers of the Country", and are a symbol of fairness, altruism and protection for those who live in the soil where they develop their legislative activities.
I don't know if in the United States they are called the same, but if they are, would have to call to DYFS (Division of Youth and Family Services) to each of them "Fathers of the Country", to request that they go to jail for their negligence and the tremendous emotional abuse that they caused nearly two million "stepchildren of their country". Children, adolescents and young adults who deserved that this "dream" become reality.
We were talking about giving them a green card, to children who have excelled in their studies and behavior, who gave no problems at home or in their schools, who were not involved in gangs, and that basically they were the pride not only for their families but for all immigrants.
But the Dream Act had more benefits, it would achieve -as a consequence- to have role models for other youth. They would get away from the drugs, alcohol, gangs and crime in general, to other children who would find themselves in good behavior and make emphasis in the studies, the motivation to have their legal residence.
You realize the wrongs that they have done to our undocumented daughters and sons. These children, now see our "Pledge of Allegiance" (same as recited per years in their schools) as a lie because in the U.S. really there is no "Justice for All", and besides, we are a country that is not "indivisible" because it shows the country is divided into pro-immigration groups and anti-immigrant (for the latter, I asked for a day of prayer and no priest and / or pastor wanted to pursue that idea, looking for a point of understanding and unity between these groups).
Why couldn't the Senators make a decision that would benefit not only these talented "Dreamers" but also to the United States of America both economically and socially?. Economic studies talked about Billion with a 'b ' in revenue as a result of this process. Money that could have begun to enter the public treasury to inject cash relief to the economic crisis that we live in.
Read phonetically
For the Senators we were not asking for "charity" or a "Christmas gift" or not even a "tip" we just asked to take awareness of the benefits that could be obtained in the short and long term with these wonderful young people, that I had the good fortune of meeting in person.

55 Senators, including three republican senadors voted yes: Murkowski of Alaska, Lugar of Indiana y Bennet of Utah ( thanks for the excelent work that our brothers and sisters of Utah)
We lost by 5 votes of those that could have been the 5 Democratic Sentors that voted no: Hagan of North Carolina; Tester of Montana, Baucus of Montana, Nelson of Nebraska and Pryor of Arkansas.
The Democrat Manchin of West Virginia; as well as the Republicans: Hatch of Utah, Bunning of Kentucky and Gregg of New Hampshire (these last two lost their seats in the Senate in the last election) abstained from voting, they were indecisive, and lost a golden opportunity to be part of history.

Returning from the Senate, I found myself in the elevator with a young Peruvian named Carlos R. who was crying bitterly, I hugged him and told him how proud I felt of him and that we will continue fighting. My tears were in my eyes and those were the same tears of helplessness I felt on 9 / 11 when I embraced a co-worker whose cousin was inside of one of the twin towers. How helpless I felt. How mean are these senators, especially the Republicans.
How can we alleviate this sadness: continue fighting for the ideals of those wonderful "dreamers". If you know them, you would be as impressed as I am. They have great organizational skills, tasks were divided with such effectiveness and efficiency that no detail was left undone. Our struggle for civil and human rights is guaranteed with these young leaders. It's a shamethat we have some senators that are mean. We have to change them.
I thank Mr. Norberto Curitomai for his altruism and generosity. I also emphasize the participation in this trip, in supporting the DREAM ACT, to Martha Anci (Peru), Laureana Organ (Dominican), Rosalina Santos (Portuguese), Amparo Gordillo (Ecuador), Karla Ramos (Peru), Maria Yllescas (Peru), Agustin Rayo (Mexican) and Victor Varela (Argentina). Also I thank Maria del Pilar Rivas (Peru), Oscar Zegarra (Peru) and Guillermo Leon (Colombia) for their logistic support.
My congratulations and my deepest admiration to the Dreamers who were with us in Washington, DC (for security I have only mentioned their first name) I want to highlight: Giancarlo (Peru), Brenda (Peru), Brenda (Mexico), Lourdes (Mexico), Ana (Mexico), Juan Pablo (Colombia), Alvaro (Mexico), Vicky (Mexico), Yennifer (Venezuela).
The Dream is not dead, it is resting and we are only going to spend Christmas and the celebration of the arrival of 2011 at home.  And then we will return to Washington, DC to continue fighting for the DREAM and a Humane Immigration Policy
To my dearest DREAMERS, I don't want to see you cry again. I will not let them do that to you, who are like my children. I will continue to support your DREAM.
To you, old friends, old leaders. Whats happening? Will you remain quiet while they destroy the DREAM of thousands of our children.
Please do not forget that we are a country of great decisions and that greatness is made by people like us who struggle for their DREAMS as did Martin Luther King, Jr.

David Toledo, MA
Immigrant Rights Advocate &
Dream Act Supporter
Note: Thanks to Daniel from LAN for sharing the following list with us.

US Senators Voting Against the Dream Act


Lamar Alexander of Tennessee

John Barrasso of Wyoming
Kit Bond of Missouri
Scott Brown of Massachusetts
Sam Brownback of Kansas
Richard Burr of North Carolina
Saxby Chambliss of Georgia
Tom Coburn of Oklahoma
Thad Cochran of Mississippi
Susan Collins of Maine
Bob Corker of Tennessee
John Cornyn of Texas
Mike Crapo of Idaho
Jim DeMint of South Carolina
John Ensign of Nevada
Michael Enzi of Wyoming
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
Chuck Grassley of Iowa
Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas
James Inhofe of Oklahoma
Johnny Isakson of Georgia
Mike Johanns of Nebraska
Mark Kirk of Illinois
Jon Kyl of Arizona
George LeMieux of Florida
John McCain of Arizona
Mitch McConnell of Kentucky
James Risch of Idaho
Pat Roberts of Kansas
Jeff Sessions of Alabama
Richard Shelby of Alabama
Olympia Snowe of Maine
John Thune of South Dakota
David Vitter of Louisiana

George Voinovich of Ohio
Roger Wicker of Mississippi



Max Baucus of Montana

Kay Hagan of North Carolina
Ben Nelson of Nebraska
Mark Pryor of Arkansas
Jon Tester of Montana


Estimados amigos y lideres:
Reciban mi respetuoso y tambien mi triste saludo. El ultimo sabado 17 de Diciembre, 2010; regrese de Washington, DC; con la misma tristeza e indignidad que senti cuando los desalmados terroristas volaron nuestras torres gemelas (uno de los simbolos de los Estados Unidos hasta el 2001).
Llegue con esa misma impotencia que tuve en esa oportunidad; la de no poder hacer nada ante un ataque traicionero dirijido a un grupo de pacificos trabajadores cuya unica actividad era trabajar y protejer a sus familias. En esa oportunidad, casi 3 mil hermanos y hermanas -que no eran militares- murieron como consecuencia de un ataque cobarde por parte de los enemigos de la democracia.
Pero por que llego ese recuerdo a mi mente? porque asi quedamos todos los que fuimos a Washington, DC; tristes, indignados y traicionados. Principalmente atacados por la irracionalidad, la falta de comprension y la negligencia; de un grupo de senadores que no evaluaron -sin poner al lado la politiqueria- que estaban rompiendo los "dreams" de miles y miles de pacificos y talentosos estudiantes que solo conocen el "Star Spangled Banner" como himno nacional.
En mi pais de origen, a los senadores les llaman "Padres de la Patria", y son un simbolo de ecuanimidad, altruismo y proteccion para aquellos que viven en el suelo donde desarrollan sus actividades legislativas.
No se si en Estados Unidos tambien les llaman asi; pero si asi lo fuera, habria que llamarles a DYFS (del Departamento de Menores y Familias) a cada uno de ellos, para pedir que los metan presos por su negligencia y el tremendo abuso emocional que le causaron a casi dos millones de "los hijastros de su Patria" adolescentes, puberes y menores que merecian que ese "dream" fuera una realidad.
Estabamos hablando de entregarles una tarjeta de residencia a menores destacados en sus estudios y comportamiento, que no daban problemas en sus casas o en sus escuelas, que no estaban envueltos en pandillas, y que basicamente eran un orgullo tanto familiar como para todos los inmigrantes.
Aunque realmente este proceso iba mas alla, pues lograriamos -como consecuencia- tener ejemplos a seguir para otros jovenes. ibamos a alejar de la drogas, del alcohol, de las pandillas y la delincuencia en general; a otros menores que encontrarian en el buen comportamiento y el destacar en los estudios, la motivacion para tener su residencia legal.
Ustedes se dan cuenta del mal que les han hecho a nuestros hijas e hijos indocumentados. Estos menores, hoy ven nuestro "Pledge of Allegiance" (el mismo que recitan en el colegio) como una mentira porque realmente en los Estados Unidos no hay "Justicia para todos", y que ademas, somos un pais que esta "divisible ante Dios"; si, porque muestro pais esta dividido en grupos pro-inmigrantes y anti-inmigrantes (para estos ultimos pedi un dia de oracion y ningun cura y/o pastor quizo seguir esa idea buscando un punto de comprension y unidad entre los dos grupos). 
Por que los Senadores no pudieron tomar una decision que beneficiaria no solo a estos talentosos "DREAMERS" sino tambien a los Estados Unidos de America tanto economica como socialmente?.
Los estudios economicos hablaban de billon con "b" en ingresos como resultado de ese proceso. Un dinero que podria haber comenzado a entrar al tesoro publico para inyectar un efectivo alivio a la crisis economica que vivimos.
A estos Senadores no se les pedia una "limosna" o "un regalo de navidad" ni tampoco era un "tip" solo se les pedia que tomaran consciencia de los beneficios que se podrian obtener a corto y largo plazo con estos maravillosos jovenes, a quienes tuve la dicha de conocer en persona.
Como pudieron leer, 55 Senadores, incluidos 3 Senadores Republicanos votaron SI: Murkowski de Alaska, Lugar de Indiana y Bennet de Utah (gracias por el excelente trabajo de nuestros hermanos de Utah).
Ustedes saben que nos faltaron 5 votos que podrian haber sido de parte de los 5 Senadores Democratas que votaron NO: Los democratas Hagan de North Carolina; Tester de Montana, Baucus de Montana, Nelson de Nebraska y Pryor de Arkansas, no estuvieron de acuerdo con su partido.
El Democrata Manchin de West Virginia; asi como los Republicanos: Hatch de Utah, Bunning de Kentucky y Gregg de New Hampshire (estos dos ultimos perdieron sus sillas en el Senado en las ultimas elecciones) se abstuvieron de votar -son los indefinidos- y perdieron una brillante oportunidad de formar parte de la historia.

Al regresar del Senado, me encontre en uno de los elevadores del Senado con un joven peruano de nombre Carlos R. quien estaba llorando amargamente, lo abraze y le dije cuan orgulloso me sentia de el y que seguiremos luchando. Mis lagrimas quedaron en mis ojso y eran esas mismas lagrimas de impotencia que senti el 9/11 cuando abraze a una hermana trabajadora cuyo primo estaba dentro de una de las torres. Que impotente me siento aun. Que malos son estos Senadores, especialmente los Republicanos.
Que nos queda para aliviar esta tristeza: seguir luchando por los ideales de esos maravillosos "dreamers". Si Ustedes los conocieran, se quedarian tan impresionados como yo. Tienen una gran capacidad organizativa, sus tareas estaban divididas con tal efectividad y eficiencia que no dejaron ningun detalle de lado. Nuestra lucha por los derechos humanos y civiles esta asegurada con estos jovenes lideres. Es una lastima que tengamos unos senadores tan malos. Tenemos que cambiarlos.

Agradezco al Sr. Norberto Curitomai por su altruismo y generosidad. Asimismo, quiero destacar la participacion -en este viaje de apoyo al DREAM ACT- de Martha Anci (Peruana), Laureana Organ (Dominicana), Rosalina Santos (Portuguesa), Amparo Gordillo (Ecuatoriana), Karla Ramos (Peruana), Maria Yllescas (Peruana), Agustin Rayo (Mexicano) y Victor Varela (Argentino). Tambien agradezco a Maria del Pilar Rivas, Oscar Zegarra y Guillermo Leon (Colombiano) por su soporte logistico.
Mis felicitaciones y mi profunda admiracion a los DREAMERS que fueron con nosotros a Washington, DC (por segurirad solo menciono su primer nombre) quiero destacar a: Giancarlo (Peru), Brenda (Peru), Brenda (Mexico), Lourdes (Mexico) Ana (Mexico), Juan Pablo (Colombia), Alvaro (Mexico), Vicky (Mexico), Yennifer (Venezuela).
El DREAM no ha muerto, esta descansando y nosotros solo vamos a pasar la navidad y la celebracion de la llegada del 2011 en casa. Regresaremos a Washington, DC para continuar luchando por lograr el DREAM Act y una Humana Politica de Inmigracion..
A mis queridisimos DREAMERS, no quiero verlos llorar otra vez. No voy a permitir que les hagan eso a Ustedes que son como mis hijos. Voy a seguir apoyando su DREAM.
A Ustedes, viejos amigos, viejos lideres. Que pasa? se van a quedar tranquilos mientras destruyen el DREAM de miles de nuestros hijos.
Por favor, no se olviden que somos un pais de grandes decisiones y esa grandeza se hizo gracias a gente como nosotros que lucha por sus DREAMS como lo hizo Martin Luther King.
Gracias por leerme.
David Toledo, MA
Immigrant Rights Advocate &
Dream Act Supporter
Nota: Le agradezco a Daniel de LAN por compartirnos la siguiente lista.

US Senadores que votaron en contra del Dream Act


Lamar Alexander of Tennessee

John Barrasso of Wyoming
Kit Bond of Missouri
Scott Brown of Massachusetts
Sam Brownback of Kansas
Richard Burr of North Carolina
Saxby Chambliss of Georgia
Tom Coburn of Oklahoma
Thad Cochran of Mississippi
Susan Collins of Maine
Bob Corker of Tennessee
John Cornyn of Texas
Mike Crapo of Idaho
Jim DeMint of South Carolina
John Ensign of Nevada
Michael Enzi of Wyoming
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
Chuck Grassley of Iowa
Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas
James Inhofe of Oklahoma
Johnny Isakson of Georgia
Mike Johanns of Nebraska
Mark Kirk of Illinois
Jon Kyl of Arizona
George LeMieux of Florida
John McCain of Arizona
Mitch McConnell of Kentucky
James Risch of Idaho
Pat Roberts of Kansas
Jeff Sessions of Alabama
Richard Shelby of Alabama
Olympia Snowe of Maine
John Thune of South Dakota
David Vitter of Louisiana

George Voinovich of Ohio
Roger Wicker of Mississippi



Max Baucus of Montana

Kay Hagan of North Carolina
Ben Nelson of Nebraska
Mark Pryor of Arkansas
Jon Tester of Montana


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I have a dream

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