Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe para la Democracia
28 de marzo de 2012.
Sr. Raúl Castro Ruz
Primer Presidente de los Consejos de Estado y de Ministros de Cuba
General del Ejército
Presidente Interino de los Consejos de Estados y de Ministro
República de Cuba
Por este medio, queremos expresar nuestra más sincera preocupación ante un aumento exacerbado de denuncias de persecución de líderes y activistas democráticos en Cuba, con motivo de la visita del Papa Benedicto XVI y la presión internacional a favor de un diálogo para el cambio democrático en la isla.
Según la Asamblea para la Resistencia Cubana, se conoce una lista de la policía secreta cubana en la cual se indica la pronta desaparición forzosa de 180 disidentes y activistas democráticos, con acciones a llevar a cabo una vez que el Papa deje el país. La lista incluye a activistas democráticos de Pinar del Río, Matanzas, La Habana, Santa Clara, Cienfuegos, Granma, Las Tunas, Guantánamo, Santiago de Cubas y otras zonas del país, lo cual sugiere el carácter sistemático de las eventuales operaciones policiales.
En las últimas horas ha aumentado significativamente el número de denuncias por parte de activistas, Damas de Blanco y periodistas independientes alertando sobre detenciones arbitrarias, acoso policial, amenazas, interrupciones telefónicas e incluso intimidaciones con el fin de evitar que cierto número de cubanos asistan a las celebraciones en honor a la visita del Papa.
Le recordamos que la Organización Mundial contra la Tortura ha solicitado en reiteradas ocasiones a las autoridades cubanas que de acuerdo con sus obligaciones derivadas de las normas internacionales en materia de derechos humanos, en particular con los artículos 19, 21 y 22 del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos, la libertad de los presos políticos y de conciencia y el respeto de los derechos humanos y libertades fundamentales.
La semana pasada, se promovió una jornada internacional sin precedentes instando al cese de la represión contra la sociedad civil en Cuba. En el documento se recuerda el terrible costo en vidas humanas por la negación de las libertades fundamentales en la isla, luego de las recientes muertes trágicas del disidente preso Wilman Mendoza Villar, a raíz de una huelga de hambre, y el fallecimiento de Laura Inés Pollán Toledo, líder de las Damas de Blanco. Igualmente, se hace alusión a a muerte de los activistas de derechos humanos Orlando Zapata Tamayo, tras una huelga de hambre en protesta por su injusto encarcelamiento por sus ideas, y de Juan Wilfredo Soto García, como consecuencia de una brutal golpiza por los cuerpos de seguridad. La petición cuenta con el respaldo de figuras notables, ex presidentes, Premios Nobel de la Paz, escritores, miembros parlamentarios y eminencias de todo el mundo.
La Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe para la Democracia, plataforma de impulso a la Democracia y los Derechos Humanos, integrada por más de 300 organizaciones, Miembro Oficial del Foro de Sociedad Civil de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) y Capítulo Regional del Movimiento Mundial por la Democracia (WMD) solicita el cese inmediato de hostilidades, persecuciones, amenazas y encarcelamientos arbitrarios contra personas, activistas, periodistas, líderes y lideresas sólo por el hecho de pensar diferente y ejercer su libertad de expresión.
Agradeciendo su atención se despiden,
Dr. Carlos E. Ponce Dr. Óscar Álvarez Araya
Coordinador General Director Ejecutivo
Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe para la Democracia
*Unofficial translation done only for the purpose of being understood.
March 28, 2012.
Mr. Raul Castro Ruz
First President of the Councils of State and Ministers of Cuba
Army General
Interim President of the Council of State and Minister
Republic of Cuba
I hereby want to express our sincere concern about an increase of complaints exacerbated persecution of leaders and democracy activists in Cuba, on the occasion of the visit of Pope Benedict XVI and international pressure in favor of a dialogue for democratic change in the island.
According to Cuban Resistance Assembly, exist a list of the Cuban secret police which indicated an early forced disappearance of 180 dissident people and democracy activists. The actions to be carried out once the Pope left the country. The list includes democratic activists of Pinar del Rio, Matanzas, Havana, Santa Clara, Cienfuegos, Granma, Las Tunas, Guantanamo, Santiago de Cuba and other parts of the country, suggesting the systematic nature of any incidents.
In the last hours has significantly increased the number of complaints from activists, Ladys in White and independent journalists warning about arbitrary arrests, police harassment, threats, intimidation and even telephone outages in order to prevent a number of Cubans attend celebrations in honor of the Pope's visit.
Please note that the World Organization against Torture has repeatedly requested that the Cuban authorities in accordance with their obligations under international standards on human rights, in particular articles 19, 21 and 22 of the International Covenant Civil and Political Rights, freedom of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Last week was promoted unprecedented international campaign urging the cessation of repression against civil society in Cuba. The paper recalls the terrible cost in human lives by the denial of fundamental freedoms on the island, following the recent tragic deaths of imprisoned dissident Wilman Villar Mendoza, following a hunger strike, and the death of Agnes Laura Pollan Toledo, leader of the Ladies in White. Similarly, reference is made a death of human rights activists Orlando Zapata Tamayo, after a hunger strike to protest his imprisonment for his ideas, and Juan Wilfredo Soto Garcia, following a brutal beating by security forces. The petition has the support of notable figures, former presidents, Nobel Peace Prize, writers, and eminent parliamentarians worldwide.
The Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy platform to boost Democracy and Human Rights, composed of over 300 organizations, Official Member of the Civil Society Forum of the Organization of American States (OAS) and Regional Chapter of the Global Movement for Democracy (WMD) requests an immediate cessation of hostilities, persecution, threats and arbitrary arrests against persons, activists, journalists, leaders and leaders just because they think differently and exercise their freedom of expression.
Thank you for your attention is fired,
Carlos E. Ponce Ph.D. Óscar Alvarez Ph.D.
General Coordinator Executive Director
Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy (Redlad)
March 28, 2012.
Mr. Raul Castro Ruz
First President of the Councils of State and Ministers of Cuba
Army General
Interim President of the Council of State and Minister
Republic of Cuba
I hereby want to express our sincere concern about an increase of complaints exacerbated persecution of leaders and democracy activists in Cuba, on the occasion of the visit of Pope Benedict XVI and international pressure in favor of a dialogue for democratic change in the island.
According to Cuban Resistance Assembly, exist a list of the Cuban secret police which indicated an early forced disappearance of 180 dissident people and democracy activists. The actions to be carried out once the Pope left the country. The list includes democratic activists of Pinar del Rio, Matanzas, Havana, Santa Clara, Cienfuegos, Granma, Las Tunas, Guantanamo, Santiago de Cuba and other parts of the country, suggesting the systematic nature of any incidents.
In the last hours has significantly increased the number of complaints from activists, Ladys in White and independent journalists warning about arbitrary arrests, police harassment, threats, intimidation and even telephone outages in order to prevent a number of Cubans attend celebrations in honor of the Pope's visit.
Please note that the World Organization against Torture has repeatedly requested that the Cuban authorities in accordance with their obligations under international standards on human rights, in particular articles 19, 21 and 22 of the International Covenant Civil and Political Rights, freedom of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Last week was promoted unprecedented international campaign urging the cessation of repression against civil society in Cuba. The paper recalls the terrible cost in human lives by the denial of fundamental freedoms on the island, following the recent tragic deaths of imprisoned dissident Wilman Villar Mendoza, following a hunger strike, and the death of Agnes Laura Pollan Toledo, leader of the Ladies in White. Similarly, reference is made a death of human rights activists Orlando Zapata Tamayo, after a hunger strike to protest his imprisonment for his ideas, and Juan Wilfredo Soto Garcia, following a brutal beating by security forces. The petition has the support of notable figures, former presidents, Nobel Peace Prize, writers, and eminent parliamentarians worldwide.
The Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy platform to boost Democracy and Human Rights, composed of over 300 organizations, Official Member of the Civil Society Forum of the Organization of American States (OAS) and Regional Chapter of the Global Movement for Democracy (WMD) requests an immediate cessation of hostilities, persecution, threats and arbitrary arrests against persons, activists, journalists, leaders and leaders just because they think differently and exercise their freedom of expression.
Thank you for your attention is fired,
Carlos E. Ponce Ph.D. Óscar Alvarez Ph.D.
General Coordinator Executive Director
Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy (Redlad)
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