Apreciados Amigos y Lideres: (message in Spanish and English) En primer lugar, reciban nuestro respetuoso y cordial saludo. Unas semanas atras, nuestros amigos de American Friends Services Committee -aliados nuestros en la lucha por lograr una politica humana de inmigracion- nos invitaron a firmar una carta dirijida al Gobernador Chris Christie expresando nuestra oposicion a tener el Programa de Comunidades Seguras en el Estado de Nueva Jersey. La Coalicion por los Derechos de los Inmigrantes del Condado de Passaic respaldo esa valerosa accion invitando a todos sus miembros y amigos a firmar esa carta y enviarla a la direccion de AFSC. El ultimo Jueves 10 de Febrero, 2011 alrededor de 2,000 cartas fueron entregadas a los representantes del Gobernador Christie, quienes manifestaron que seguirian recibiendo mas cartas antes de una siguiente reunion en las proximas semanas, por lo que invitamos a todos Ustedes a que sigan enviando esas cartas a la direccion de American Friends Service Committee: 89 Market Street, 6th Floor Newark, NJ 07102. En segundo lugar, les comunicamos que la Coalicion por los Derechos de los Inmigrantes del Condado de Passaic (Passaic County Coalition for Immigrant Rights), da su total respaldo a las acciones propuestas por American Friends Service Committee y se une a organizaciones protectoras de los inmigrantes del Estado de Nueva Jersey, New York y Pennsylvania; para lograr un exito en nuestras peticiones por un alto a programas que propician acuerdos entre nuestros Estados, sus ciudades y sus autoridades; con la Division de "Immigration and Customs Enforcement" (ICE) del "Departament of Homeland Security", en su afan por destruitr mas familias y a nuestras comunidades con la detencion, encarcelacion y deportacion de sus miembros. Nuestra Coalicion se siente orgullosa de la diversidad de nuestro Estado Jardin, prospero gracias al hecho incuestionable y positivo de la multiculturizacion, con inmigrantes trabajadores llegados de todas partes del mundo, quienes pisan nuestro pais con los mismos ideales que movieron a nuestros predecesores a fundar los Estados Unidos de America. El programa Comunidades seguras solo destruiria nuestra seguridad y nuestro futuro. Finalmente los invito a todos Ustedes, hermanos y hermanas, a que participen de las siguientes acciones. Por adelantado, les doy gracias por su apoyo y bondad en favor de nuestros hermanas y hermanos indocumentados. Dios bendiga los Estados Unidos de America. Humildemente, David Toledo, MA Comite de Planeamiento Estrategico Coalicion por los Derechos de los Inmigrantes del Condado de Passaic ACCIONES Y/O EVENTOS PRIMERA ACCION: MIERCOLES 16 de FEBRERO, 2011
I am calling to urge the Congressman / Senator to stand up for immigrants in New Jersey and keep immigrant families together. Current detention and deportation policies have devastating effects on families and communities. Specifically, I am calling to ask you to create and support policies that will: 1. Stop continuous and massive detention and deportation of immigrants, and instead support policies that will restore due process and repeal mandatory detention. Detention is inhumane and shouldn't be used as a solution to a broken immigration system. 2. Stop Secure Communities and other similar police and immigration collaborations 3. Release individuals to their families and communities –support policies that allow judges to consider equities of an immigration case and mandate alternatives to detention.
David Toledo, MA Comite de Planeamiento Estrategico Passaic County Coalition for Immigrant Rights SEGUNDA ACCION; JUEVES 17 DE FEBRERO, 2011 Los invitamos a la Demostración y Caminata que realizaremos el Jueves 17 de Febrero, 2011 desde las 11:00 AM Nos Congregamos y Caminamos para decir NO a las 2,700 nuevas camas en el Centro de Detenciones en Essex County y en cualquier parte ! No a Comunidades Seguras o cualquier otra legislación similar que promueva la colaboración entre la policía y ICE ! La demostración se iniciara al frente de las oficinas de Inmigración (ICE) en el 970 Broad St., Newark & después caminaremos al Centro de Correcciones de Essex County (al medio día) localizado en el 356 Doremus Ave., Newark RESPALDAN ESTOS EVENTOS: Accion 21; ACLU -PA; Angeles in Action Fundation; American Friends Service Committee (AFSC); Casa Esperanza; Casa Freehold; Comite en Union para Salvadorenos (CEUS); Detention Watch Network; El Centro Hispano Americano; El Comité de Apoyo a Los Trabajadores Agrícolas (C.A.T.A); Families For Freedom; Haiti Solidarity Network of the Northeast; Jornaleros Unidos de Passaic; Latin American Legal Defense & Education Fund, Inc (LALDEF); NJ Association on Correction; New Jersey Forum for Human Rights; Middlesex County Coalition for Immigrant Rights; Monmouth County Coalition for Immigrant Rights; Passaic County Coalition for Immigrant Rights; Pax Christi NJ; Reformed Church of Highland Park; Sister of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia; Solidaridad Latino Americana; Unidad Latina en Acion; Wind of the Spirit, Immigrant Resource Center. Dear Friends and Leaders: At first, please receive our respectful greetings to all of you. Several weeks ago, we receive an invitation from our friends of American Friends Service Committee -our allies on the struggle to attain a humane immigration policy- to sign a letter to the Governor of the State of New Jersey Chris Christie, which expressed our opposition to having the Secure Communities Program in New Jersey. The Passaic County Coalition for Immigrant Rights supported that courageous action. We asked our members and friends to sign that letter and send to AFSC address. On the last Thursday, February 10, 2011 around 2 thousand letters were given to Governor Christie's representatives, who communicated that they will continue receiving more letters until the meeting that they will have in the next week. At this point, we encourage you to send your letter opposing Secure Communities in New Jersey to American Friends Service Committee: 89 Market Street, 6th Floor Newark, NJ 07102. The Passaic County Coalition for Immigrant Rights announces their support to the following proposed actions from American Friends Service Committee and will be in unity with other immigrant rights organizations and coalitions from New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, to achieve the success for our petitions to stop Secure Communities program in our Garden State and avoid an agreement with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Division of the Department of Homeland Security. That program will break up families and communities through detention, incarceration and deportation. As AFCS letter said "Secure Communities only seeks to destroy the rich community of immigrants from all corners of the world" We invite all of you, brothers and sisters. to participate of the following actions. In advance thank you for you support and kindness on behalf of our undocumented brothers and sisters. God bless the United States of America Sincerely, David Toledo, MA Strategic Committee Passaic County Coalition for Immigrant Rights ACTIONS EVENTS FIRS ACTION: WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 16, 2011 Call In Senators and Congressmen. Please see attached documents I am calling to urge the Congressman / Senator to stand up for immigrants in New Jersey and keep immigrant families together. Current detention and deportation policies have devastating effects on families and communities. Specifically, I am calling to ask you to create and support policies that will: 1. Stop continuous and massive detention and deportation of immigrants, and instead support policies that will restore due process and repeal mandatory detention. Detention is inhumane and shouldn't be used as a solution to a broken immigration system. 2. Stop Secure Communities and other similar police and immigration collaborations 3. Release individuals to their families and communities –support policies that allow judges to consider equities of an immigration case and mandate alternatives to detention.SECOND ACTION; THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2011 |
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