Wednesday, June 23, 2010

[RED DEMOCRATICA] Coments. : NJ.: Reunion "Let My People Go" Passaic County


Dear Leaders:

I would like to remind you that the meeting will take place next Friday, June 25th at 7:00pm in one of the offices of St. Agnes Church to continue coordinating the event "Let my people go." 

The church is located at 681 Main Ave in the city of Paterson , NJ 07503. We will meet in the basement of the church where catechism classes and other reunions take place.  The entrance is through the parking lot of the church, which is located in the back of the church through the side street (near to Emergency of the St. Joseph's Hospital). The Reverend Luis Rendon gave us permission to meet there and he will be with us in the event on July 1st. 

As you know we have temporarily named our group the "PASSAIC COUNTY COALITION for IMMIGRANT RIGHTS"  We are also on Facebook as Passaiccountycoalition Forimmgrantrights.


For July 1st, the event will be laid out in the following manner: The permit of Public Works and the police department have been verbally approved and we left the letters yesterday to formalize the permit.

  • At 9:00 AM we will gather at the side entrance of the Cathedral of Paterson ( 381 Grand St. Paterson, NJ 07505). 
  • At 10:00 AM we will march until 401 Grand St, Family Court and will continue to the County Court of Passaic on Hamilton.
  • At 10:40 we programmed to arrive at the corner of Main Ave and Degrasse St . (sidewalk of the Cathedral of Paterson, in front of the Passaic County Jail). There we will hold a vigil with the participation of the religious leaders
  • At 11:00 AM we will give attend the press that will want to cover this event.
  • The event will finish at 11:30 AM. From there a group of us will leave to attend other actions in different counties.
The monsignor Giordani gave us the permission to be around the Cathedral and to use the sidewalk of their garden where we can receive to the Press.

Those organizations that would like to add themselves to the action may do so liberally and call one of the phone numbers that are provided on to flyer to be co-organizers.  Spanish 973-960-0413 English 908-764-4242. The last corrections or additions to the flyer will be done next Friday.

We will have the presence of councilman of Paterson Julio Tavarez who introduced the Paterson resolution condemning the Arizona SB1070


Twelve million thanks for your support. We hope that we will see you next Friday.



David Toledo, MA (Community Organizer), Deiby Martinez (Sociedad de Amigos Colombianos), Gamaliel Guardia (Peruvian American Politrical Action Committee), Gabriela Perez (Camara de Comercio de Mexicanos Unidos), Maria del Pilar Rivas (Deputy Mayor of Paterson), Karla Ramos (Advocate), Fernando Martinez (Community Organizer), Maria Perez (Advocate), Henry Sosa (Advocate), Rosie Santos (Social Activist).

Supportde by: Interfaith Immigration Coalition, Pax Christi New Jersey, New Jersey Policy Immigration Network, American Friends Service Committee, Jornaleros Unidos de Passaic.

Estimados Lideres:

Reciban nuestro respetuoso saludo y buenos deseos. Les recordamos a todos Ustedes estan invitados a la reunion de coordinacion del evento "Liberen A Mi Gente" que se realizara el proximo Viernes 25 de Junio a las 7:00 PM en las instalaciones de la Iglesia St. Agnes ubicada en 681 Main Ave. de la ciudad de Paterson, NJ 07503. La semana pasada la reunion se realizo el el basement de la iglesia donde se hacen las reuniones de catecismo y otras. Ustedes pueden entrar por el parqueo de la Iglesia (puerta lateral junto a Emergencia del Hospital St Joseph). El Reverendo Luis Rendon nos ha dado el correspondiente permiso para usar sus instalaciones y estara con nosotros el Jueves 1 de Julio.
Como Ustedes saben, estamos usando temporalmente el nombre "PASSAIC COUNTY COALITION for IMMIGRANT RIGHTS". Tambien estamos en Facebook como Passaiccountycoalition Forimmgrantrights
Para el dia Jueves 1 de Julio, la accion se ha planeado de la siguiente manera: (Tenemos el permiso verbal de la Policia y ya hemos enviado las cartas para formalizarlo a la Oficina de Trabajos Publicos y al Departamento de Policia de Paterson).
  • A las 9:00 AM nos reuniremos en la puerta lateral de la Catedral de Paterson (381 Grand St.).
  • A las 10:00 AM partiremos hacia la 401 de la Grand St donde se ecuentra la Corte de Familia, de ahi nos dirijiremos a la Corte del Condado de Passaic en la calle Hamilton.
  • A las 10:40 estamos programando llegar a la esquina de la Main Ave y Degrasse St. (Jardin de la Catedral de Paterson, el cual esta ubicado frente a la Carcel del Condado de Passaic). Ahi haremos una vigilia y oracion con la participacion de los lideres de las diferentes comunidades religiosas que se hagan presentes.
  • A las 11:00 AM se atendera a los medios de prensa que vayan a cubriri el evento.
  • El evento esta programado para terminar a las 11:30 AM. De ahi un grupo partiremos a apoyar las acciones de otros Condados.
Tenemos el permiso del Monsenor Giordani para usar el parking y las veredas del Jardin de la Iglesia.

Aquellas organizaciones que se quieran sumar a esta accion pueden hacerlo libremente y llamar a los telefonos que proveemos en el flyer para ser co-organizadores. Spanish 973-960-0413 English 908-764-4242. Los nombres de las organizaciones que respaldan el evento seran sumados en los flyers hasta el viernes 25 de Junio..
Tendremos la presencia del Honorable Julio Tavares, Concejal de Paterson, quien promovio la resolucion de esa ciudad condenando la ley SB1070.
Doce millones de gracias por su apoyo.Esperamos verlos el proximo viernes.
David Toledo, MA (Community Organizer), Henry Sosa (Team Vision), Gamaliel Guardia (Peruvian American Political Action Committee), Maria del Pilar Rivas (Paterson's Deputy Mayor), Karla Ramos (Advocate), Rosalina Santos (Social Activist), Fernando Martinez (Community Organizer), Maria Perez (Advocate), Deiby Martinez (Sociedad de Amigos Colombianos), Gabriela Perez (Camara de Comercio de Mexicanos Unidos).

Respaldados por: Interfaith Immigration Coalition, Pax Christi New Jersey, New Jersey Policy Immigration Network, American Friends Service Committee, Jornaleros Unidos de Passaic.

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Red Democratica 10 years "On line" (1998-2008)!
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