Tuesday, April 20, 2010

[RED DEMOCRATICA] CFR.org Daily News Brief, April 20, 2010


From the Council on Foreign Relations

April 20, 2010

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- Top al-Qaeda in Iraq Leaders Killed
- Iran Picks New Nuclear Enrichment Site
- Somali Pirates Hijack Thai Vessels
- British Regulators to Investigate Goldman

Top of the Agenda: Top al-Qaeda in Iraq Leaders Killed

Iraqi forces killed the top two leaders (WashPost) of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), a setback to the militants and a victory for U.S. and Iraqi forces. The deaths of Abu Ayyub al-Masri, an Egyptian who was the leader of AQI, and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, leader of the group's umbrella organization, the Islamic State of Iraq, are "potentially the most significant blow to al-Qaeda in Iraq since the beginning of the insurgency," said General Ray Odierno, the top commander of U.S. troops in Iraq. Officials emphasized that Iraqi troops led the operation. AQI reemerged as a serious threat last year, launching a series of major attacks after being weakened by the U.S. troop surge in 2007. Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who initially announced the deaths, falsely reported the death and capture of Baghdadi in the past, but U.S. officials said DNA evidence was used to confirm their identities this time.

Some counterterrorism analysts say it is still unclear (CSMonitor) whether Baghdadi was actually killed or if such a person even exists.


The United States should consider postponing its planned August pullout from Iraq for several months to help maintain stability as post-election political jockeying and opportunistic violence by al-Qaeda in Iraq play out, writes CFR expert Brett McGurk.


This CFR Backgrounder examines the terrorist network al-Qaeda.

MIDDLE EAST: Iran Picks New Nuclear Enrichment Site

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad approved the site (AP) for a new enrichment facility, the latest step in expanding the country's controversial nuclear program.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates' memo on Iran's nuclear policy is a reminder that the White House needs more effective policies to counter Iran's nuclear progress, says CFR President Richard Haass.

PACIFIC RIM: U.S. House Stiffens on China Currency Stance

U.S. House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Sander Levin said the United States "will act" (Bloomberg) on Chinese currency if multilateral pressure fails to work.

In this CFR Expert Roundup, six experts debate whether the Obama administration's approach to China's currency policy is the right one, and why.

Thailand: Thailand's "red shirt" protesters canceled a march (CSMonitor) Monday after combat troops were deployed to block them, but they vowed to continue demonstrating.

Thailand, the once-prosperous democratic ally of the United States, faces continuing upheaval unless the elite and opposition agree to political reforms and a frank debate about the future of its monarchy, writes CFR's Joshua Kurlantzick.

Read CFR's Asia Unbound blog, featuring timely analysis from CFR's Asia experts.

SOUTH AND CENTRAL ASIA: Presidential Powers Curbed in Pakistan

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari signed legislation to strip the president of expanded authority (NYT) to dissolve parliament and appoint the head of the military.

Afghanistan: The deputy mayor of Kandahar was killed in a city mosque (FT), as insurgents continue to undermine the U.S. stabilization plan in southern Afghanistan.

Kyrgyzstan: Kyrgyzstan's interim government warned deposed president Kurmanbek Bakiyev he would be imprisoned (AP) if he returns from abroad, as the country struggles to establish order.

In this podcast, CFR's Evan Feigenbaum says the fundamental challenge facing Kyrgyzstan's interim government "is to restore and sustain order but then set the country back on a path to democracy."

AFRICA: Somali Pirates Hijack Thai Vessels

Somali pirates hijacked three Thai fishing vessels (Reuters) in the Indian Ocean despite ongoing patrols by EU warships.

Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe's talks with the European Union about removing sanctions have been delayed (Herald) by the Iceland ash cloud.

AMERICAS: Brazil May Lower Import Tariffs, Taxes

Brazilian Finance Minister Guido Mantega said the country may go beyond raising interest rates (MercoPress) to control inflation, using measures such as tax breaks and lower import tariffs.

Cuba: The head of Cuba's Catholic Church said the country is in one of its worst crises (BBC), with people openly discussing flaws in Cuba's socialist system.

EUROPE: British Regulators to Investigate Goldman

British regulators launched a formal investigation (FT) of Goldman Sachs' London office following the Security and Exchange Commission's charge that Goldman misled investors with a 2007 synthetic collateralized debt obligation.

Iceland/Europe: A small number of flights have taken off (BBC) from Europe after being grounded for five days due to volcanic ash from Iceland. The Eurocontrol air traffic agency says it expects roughly half of flights over Europe to proceed Tuesday.

TRANSNATIONAL: Climate Negotiators Downplay Expectations

After a two-day climate-change meeting in Washington, U.S. climate negotiator Todd Stern said the biggest polluting nations are downplaying goals (Bloomberg) for climate-change talks planned for December in Cancun to avoid letting "expectations far outstrip what can be done."


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