Some might consider this an impolite way to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. But this year, I'm giving Latino immigrants a gift straight from the heart: a lecture.


Now is a good time. Immigrants are one of the best things about this country, but with Congress about to restart the immigration reform debate, they will soon have to be on their best behavior. A lot of American citizens are asking what immigrants are prepared to do for America — in exchange for what immigrants want America to do for them.


First, the good news: Unlike many Americans who seem to think that some jobs are beneath their dignity, immigrants don't need to be told to work hard at whatever jobs they find. In fact, if you want to know why many employers prefer foreign workers to the native-born, it's not just because immigrants will often work for lower wages but also because immigrants see work as a higher calling. While many Americans do just enough on the job to get by, many immigrants do what it takes to get ahead.


Where immigrants — and particularly Latino immigrants — could stand some improvement is in their relationship with the United States. Too many of the foreign-born still act as though they're outliers when they need to be more integrated into the national fabric. Surely, one reason for this is how marginalized the foreign-born are made to feel by many of our institutions. But some of the blame falls on immigrants, some of whom refuse

to become fully engaged in society, believing that doing so would make them disloyal to their home countries. They need to do a better job of bonding with their adopted country.


They should start by making a few goodwill gestures:


1. All immigrants should enter the United States legally. If they enter illegally and aren't detected, some may still be eligible to try to legalize their status. They must do so.


2. Learn English. U.S. companies, Latino marketing firms and bilingual educrats have, for their own benefit, built an alternative universe that keeps Latino immigrants speaking Spanish. But English is the language of empowerment.


3. Don't feel entitled to anything. Americans have this affliction — more concerned with rights than with responsibilities and with what they think they deserve as opposed to what they've earned — and immigrants would do well to steer clear of it.


4. Don't play the victim. Another national obsession to avoid. For those who feel put off or don't get what they want, the surest way to duck responsibility is to see themselves as pushed around by forces beyond their control.


5. Assimilate. Like the Irish, Italians and Germans before them, today's Latino immigrants can preserve their heritage and culture and still blend into the mainstream by adopting new customs.


6. Accept conditions to become legal. While some on the open-borders left demand that illegal immigrants be granted an unconditional amnesty, those who broke our laws have to make restitution and do whatever is required to get right with the law.


7. Challenge both major political parties. Don't assume one is your dependable ally and the other, your natural enemy. The way to remain politically relevant is to avoid being taken for granted by some and written off by others.


8. Teach your children that education is indispensable. While many Latino immigrants value education for their children, they don't always value it for themselves. So the children rarely learn by example.


9. Earn citizenship, then register and vote. Like a graduate school professor of mine used to say: "Politics is not a spectator sport. You take part, or you get taken apart."


10. Put down roots, give up the fantasy of returning home. No matter what you tell yourselves, or what nativists like to believe, most of you are not going home. The United States is your home now. The repairs, expenses, upkeep, and other obligations are your responsibility — just like for your fellow Americans.


Living in this remarkable country places you at a buffet table full of opportunities. But remember, there is no free lunch. Obey the law. Raise good kids. Pay your way. Don't take handouts. You'll do fine. And, like those who came before you, chances are you'll help make this country better than you found it.

Ruben Navarrette Jr. is a San Diego Union-Tribune columnist.