Wednesday, March 24, 2010

[RED DEMOCRATICA] EVENTS: Join me in telling Congress to take a stand for women


Estimados compatriotas y amigos hispanos en general:
Los saludo respetuosamente y asismismo les ruego que apoyen este accion.

Estamos pididendole al congreso que se pronuncie y proteja a las mujeresen de la violencia de todo tipo, llamese abuso fisico y sexual, trafico sexual, y otros abuso que se cometen contra las mujeres en zonas de conflicto. Las mujeres del mundo deben estar protejidas de estas acciones violentas en contra de su integridad, valores y salud.
Por favor les ruego que se sumen a esta causa.

Dear Friend,

I am writing to urge you to ask Congress to end violence against women. From physical and sexual abuse, to sex trafficking, to honor killings, women across the world are subject to coercion and violence in their day-to-day lives -- and it is past time for the United States of America to take a stand.

Violence against women is a large and complicated problem, cutting across geography, class and culture. I support establishing an international network of women's organizations and relief groups to prevent and monitor rape and violence in conflict zones, stop sex trafficking, and help survivors of physical and sexual abuse to recover. But more importantly, I ask you to make protecting and valuing women across the globe a cornerstone of US policy.

Please join me in standing up against violence -- and stand up for women. Contact Congress today.

David Toledo, MA
Activista Social
Defensor de los Derechos de las Mujeres.

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