WILSON CENTER EVENTS, August 2 – August 3 Monday, August 2 1:45 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. The Long Term Future of U.S.-Chinese Relations: Economic, Political, and Historical Aspects (Day 1), Alan Alexandroff, Director of Trade Policy, Centre for Trade Studies, University of Toronto; Graham Allison, Director, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University; C. Fred Bergsten, Director, Peterson Institute for International Economics; Pieter Bottelier, Senior Adjunct Professor of China Studies, Johns Hopkins University; Richard Cooper, Professor of International Economics, Harvard University; Ben Friedman, Professor of Political Economy, Harvard University; Jia Qingguo, Professor and Associate Dean, School of International Studies, Peking University; Lawrence Lau, Former Vice Chancellor, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Lu Mai, Secretary-General, China Development Research Foundation; Charles Maier, Professor of History, Harvard University; Joeseph Nye, Professor of International Relations, Harvard University; David Richards, International Council Member, Harvard University; Richard Rosecrance, Adjunct Professor in Public Policy, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; Ezra Vogel, Professor of Social Sciences, Harvard University
Tuesday, August 3 9:00 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. The Long Term Future of U.S.-Chinese Relations: Economic, Political, and Historical Aspects (Day 2), Alan Alexandroff, Director of Trade Policy, Centre for Trade Studies, University of Toronto; Graham Allison, Director, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University; C. Fred Bergsten, Director, Peterson Institute for International Economics; Pieter Bottelier, Senior Adjunct Professor of China Studies, Johns Hopkins University; Richard Cooper, Professor of International Economics, Harvard University; Ben Friedman, Professor of Political Economy, Harvard University; Jia Qingguo, Professor and Associate Dean, School of International Studies, Peking University; Lawrence Lau, Former Vice Chancellor, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Lu Mai, Secretary-General, China Development Research Foundation; Charles Maier, Professor of History, Harvard University; Joeseph Nye, Professor of International Relations, Harvard University; David Richards, International Council Member, Harvard University; Richard Rosecrance, Adjunct Professor in Public Policy, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; Ezra Vogel, Professor of Social Sciences, Harvard University
[top of page] WILSON CENTER NEWS The Fog of Law: Pragmatism, Security, and International Law Woodrow Wilson Center Press has published a new book, The Fog of Law: Pragmatism, Security, and International Law, by Michael J. Glennon. It is co-published with Stanford University Press. Winners of 2010 Journalism Fellowship Announced The Woodrow Wilson Center and the Washington Post are pleased to announce the five 2010 journalism fellows. [top of page] SCHOLARS IN THE MEDIA Still Hope for Iran Nuclear Deal Public Policy Scholar Michael Adler published an op-ed in Politico conveying optimism on the prospect of an Iranian nuclear deal despite the lack of recent progress. (7/29) Mr. President, Don't Pray for Anything You Really Don't Want Public Policy Scholar Aaron David Miller published an op-ed in Foreign Policy cautioning that direct Arab-Israeli negotiations could be a political trap for President Obama. He also published an op-ed in The Los Angeles Times saying that President Obama must learn from the mistakes of the Israeli-Palestinian Camp David summit ten years ago. (7/28) The Best and the Brightest Redux Public Policy Scholar Neal Gabler published an op-ed in The Boston Globe about the hubristic social class of the "best and brightest" and President Obama's faith in it. Obama's South Asia Asia Program Director Bob Hathaway published an op-ed in Southasia surveying President Obama's relations with South Asia, including the administration's focus on Afghanistan and Pakistan. Water Shortage: The Real Culprit Asia Program Associate Michael Kugelman published an op-ed in Dawn (Pakistan) about how, despite Pakistan's attempts to blame India for their water shortage, the crisis is very much of Pakistan's own making. (7/26) 2010 IAPA Awards for Excellence in Journalism Diana Duran, one of last year's Woodrow Wilson Center-Washington Post fellows for Latin American journalists, won the Inter-American Press's 2010 award for Excellence in Journalism. Duran won for a series on extradition of Colombian paramilitary leaders to the United States on drug trafficking charges, published in Colombia's El Espectador. (7/20) For Esfandiari, Women in Iran Represent Strength, Advancement Middle East Program Director Haleh Esfandiari was profiled in The Chautauquan Daily in advance of her lecture today at the Chautauqua Institution, part of their Interfaith Lecture Series. She also appeared on Maria Hinojosa: One on One on Boston's WGBH-TV (PBS) to discuss her incarceration in Iran. (7/13) The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues Science and Technology Innovation Program Director David Rejeski testified before the first meeting on synthetic biology of the Presidential Commission on Bioethical Issues. Watch the video, read transcripts, and more at www.bioethics.gov. (7/9) Mexico's Local and State Elections Public Policy Scholar Alfredo Corchado and Mexico Institute Director Andrew Selee appeared on "Forum" on San Francisco's KQED to discuss Mexico's elections. (7/6) Procedural Politics by Don Wolfensberger Don Wolfensberger, director of the Congress Project, is a contributing writer at Roll Call. Last month he published "Supplemental Bill Defies Emergency Label". [top of page] If this e-mail was forwarded to you, click here to subscribe to the Wilson Center Update, the Wilson Center's monthly e-newsletter. For more information about the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, its programs, publications, and events, visit: http://www.wilsoncenter.org To unsubscribe from this list: Click Here ( http://www.wilsoncenter.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=newsletter.help ) The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars is the living, national memorial to President Wilson established by Congress in 1968 and headquartered in Washington, D.C. The Center establishes and maintains a neutral forum for free, open, and informed dialogue. It is a nonpartisan institution, supported by public and private funds and engaged in the study of national and world affairs. If you would like to make a donation, please click here. Your gift will make a difference. ( http://www.wilsoncenter.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=awards.donate ) |
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