I may not be an economist but I do know that we can fight global poverty by investing in women.
Monday, March 8th is International Women's Day - a day to celebrate the past achievements of women and seize future opportunities for change. In support of women worldwide, I need your help to convince Congress to make the GROWTH Act, an innovative bill that would give millions of women the tools they need to lift themselves and their children out of poverty, a priority in 2010.
Click here to join me in urging our senators to co-sponsor the GROWTH Act: http://org2.
It is a proven fact that families, communities and entire societies benefit when women are empowered.
Microfinance efforts have shown again and again that economically empowered women invest in the nutritional, health and educational needs of their children, helping to permanently lift their families and communities out of poverty.
The GROWTH Act would reshape U.S. assistance and trade policy to:
* Help women living in poverty start and grow their own businesses.
* Help increase women's land and property rights.
* Help improve women's wages and working conditions in poor countries by emphasizing training and education.
U.S. policies can make a huge impact on the lives of women around the world.
We just need to give our senators a little push to make sure this promising bill is at the top of its agenda.
Click here to email your senator to ask them to make moving the GROWTH Act forward a priority in 2010: http://org2.
Once you've sent your message, please forward this email on to your friends and family and ask them to join you in fighting poverty by contacting the Senate today.
Queridos compatriotas y amigos hispanos:
Reciban mi respetuoso saludo y asimismo, les ruego a que se sumen a este pedido.
El Lunes 8 de Marzo se celebra el dia internacional de la mujer, y que mejor forma de celebrarlo solicitando al congreso a que pase el Growth Act. que daria a millones de mujeres las herramientas que necesitan para salir de la pobreza y poder atender las necesidades de nutricion, salud y educacion que tienen sus hijos.
Gracias y Dios los bendiga. A todas nuestras mujeres "Feliz deia de la Mujer"
David Toledo, MA
Activista Social
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Ahora en FACEBOOK : Red Democratica
Celebrando 10 anos "On Line"..2009
Keep the candle burning
I have a dream
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