Estimados amigos y lideres: Reciban mi respetuoso y cordial saludo. Les comunicamos a todos los habitantes del Estado de Nueva Jersey lo siguiente: La Coalicion por los Derechos de los Inmigrantes del Condado de Passaic (Passaic County Coalition for Immigrant Rights) respalda esta iniciativa de hacer un llamado a los Freeholders del Condado de Essex para decir NO a un programa masivo de expansion de los Centros de detencion en ese Condado. Organizaciones pro-derechos de los inmigrantes estan iniciando esta accion en contra de la proposicion de "Immigration and Customs Enforcement" (ICE) de incrementar alrededor de 2,750 camas en las facilidades que albergan inmigrantes detenidos. Esta es una proposicion que principalmente, afectaria a nuestros hermanos y hermanas indocumentados que son privados de su libertad y tratados en forma inhumana en esos Centros de detencion. Organizaciones de Nueva York, Nueva Jersey y Pennsylvania como: New Jersey Advocates for Immigrant Detainees, Middlesex County Coalition for Immigrant Rights, ACLU of PA Immigrants' Rights Project, American Friends Service Committe, LALDEF, Pax Christi NJ, IRATE and Friends y Passaic County Coalition for Immigrant Rights, invitan a la comunidad del Estado Jardin para que alzen su voz junto a nosotros y pedirles a los Freeholders del Condado de Essex que voten NO y eviten la construccion de 1,900 camas en el Centro de Detencion de Inmigrantes del Condado de Essex; asi como, incrementar la capacidad para 850 inmigrantes detenidos mas en el Essex County Jail, Delaney Hall en Newark y la Bo Robinson Facility de Trenton. Segun el "Hispanic Pew Center" nuestro Estado tiene alrededor de 550,000 inmigrantes indocumentados que corresponden al 6.2 % de la poblacion indocumentada en los Estados Unidos. Siendo 11 millones doscientos mil la cantidad de inmigrantes indocumentados que viven en nuestro pais. Todos ellos con las mismas ilusiones de busqueda de libertad de religion, respeto a la vida y la felicidad, que movieron a nuestros predecesores (inmigrantes de Inglaterra y otros paises de Europa) a colonizar el Norte de America y posteriormente forjar la independencia lograda el 4 de Julio de 1776. En el actual gobierno del presidente Obama, despues de cumplirse un bienio de su promesa de una reforma de inmigracion; alrededor de 398 mil inmigrantes han sido deportados anualmente y alrededor de 33 mil hermanos y hermanas inmigrantes han sido encarcelados diariamente. Lo triste es que no estan protejidos por un derecho que les garantize tener un abogado o tener una audiencia. Otro aspecto triste, han sido las constantes equivocaciones por parte de los agentes de ICE que han encarcelado a inmigrantes con residencia permanente o asilados politicos o ciudadanos que hablan con acento hispano. Muchos inmigrantes con mas de una decada en este pais trabajando honradamente, algunos amigos, vecinos, amigos del trabajo o familiares nuestros que son parte productiva de este pais y pagan impuestos con un ITIN number (Individual Taxpayer Identificacion Number), estan siendo deportados por la falta de una politica humana de inmigracion que les permita andar libremente. Todas estas personas merecen ser tratados con respeto y dignidad, no con el corte de su libertad y su posterior deportacion, creando una profunda herida emocional en sus familias, principalmente, en sus hijos menores muchos de ellos nacidos en los Estados Unidos de America. Segun informacion de los impulsadores de esta accion, son innumerables los abusos que se cometen con los derechos humanos de los inmigrantes detenidos. El sistema correccional del Condado de Essex tiene varios abusos documentados; como lo acaecido en Diciembre cuando seis oficiales correcionales de Essex fueron arrestados por golpear a 2 inmigrantes detenidos que tuvieron que ser hospitalizados. Esto es mas lamentable cuando muchos de esos hermanos y hermanas inmigrantes detenidos, no tienen la oportunidad de quejarse. Para mas informacion de la condiciones del la Carcel del Condado de Essex, Usted puede leer la parte 3 del siguiente informe de "New Jersey Advocates for Immigrant Detainees" Algo importante que tengo que mencionarles, es que el costo por detenido que pagamos en las carceles mencionadas, es de 105 dolares por dia y de 200 dolares en el Centro de Detenciones de Elizabeth. Lo ilogico es que programas con alternativas humanas para inmigrantes tienen costos tan bajos como 14 dolares diarios. Por lo observado, hay otro interes en establecer este programa masivo de detenciones, y no es, precisamente, el bienestar de los inmigrantes detenidos sino detener mas y mas cada dia y logicamente seguir violando sus derechos basicos. Para mas informacion puede comunicarse con: Los esperamos hoy, Miercoles 9 de Febrero, 2011 desde las 7:00 PM (hasta las 9:00PM) para expresar tu oposicion frente a los Freholders del Condado de Essex en su reunion que se llevara a cabo en el Salon de Records, sala 506 (usar la entrada de atras) ubicada en 465. Por anticipado, les doy las gracias por su apoyo a favor de nuestros hermanos indocumentados y sus familias. Humildemente, David Toledo, MA Comite de Planeamiento Estrategico Passaic County Coalition for Immigrant Rights Dear Friends and Leaders: Greetings. The Passaic County Coalition for Immigrant Rights supports this action on behalf of our undocumented brothers and sisters and invite to all of you to participate of the Essex County Freeholders meeting and tell them to say NO to immigration detention expansion in Essex. Around 2.750 beds are going to be increased on Detention facilities in New Jersey (Essex County Jail, Delaney Hall en Newark y la Bo Robinson Facility de Trenton) and of course, the most affected are going to be our undocumented brothers and sisters. I am scare that ICE is preparing a masive detention program on New Jersey which it will continue breaking their basic human rights and divide more families (As Secure Communities). At this point, I encourage to all of you to continue asking for signatures to the letters provided by Americans Friends Service Committee. Almost 400 thousand undocumented brothers and sisters have been deported yearly, and 33 thousand are incarcerated daily. Their rights to have a lawyer or Hearing have been denied many times and they are in danger to suffering abuses by correctional officers and be deported without contact their families. Organizations from Nueva York, Nueva Jersey y Pennsylvania as: New Jersey Advocates for Immigrant Detainees, Middlesex County Coalition for Immigrant Rights, ACLU of PA Immigrants' Rights Project, American Friends Service Committe, LALDEF, Pax Christi NJ, IRATE and Friends and now Passaic County Coalition for Immigrant Rights, invite to the Garden State Community to voice your opposition and ask for a Freeholders' NO to Immigration Detention Expansion in Essex. In advance, thank you for your support and kindness on behalf of our undocumented brothers and sisters. Sincerely, David Toledo, MA Strategic Committee Passaic County Coalition for Immigrant Rights CALL TO ACTION: Say NO to Immigration Detention Expansion in Essex We expect the Essex County Freeholders to vote on the proposed facility on Wednesday. We need you to come out and tell the Freeholders to vote NO! ✦ The proposed facility is part of Immigration and Customs Enforcement's nationwide expansion of immigration detention --a system that divides families and tears our communities apart. ✦ Private prison companies and Essex County Jail have documented histories of human rights abuses. Just last month, the Essex County prosecutor charged six guards with severely beating inmates and falsifying records afterwards. ✦ Our federal tax dollars are being wasted on detention when humane alternatives to detention cost a fraction of the amount. What: Essex County Freeholders Meeting When: Wednesday February 9th at 7-9pm (opportunities to speak at the beginning and end of meeting) Where: Hall of Records, Room 506, use back entrance 465 Martin Luther King Blvd, (SW corner of MLK and Market) Newark NJ Read the attached talking points for more information on why this facility is a bad for our states! For more information, contact Karina Wilkinson, Middlesex County Coalition for Immigrant Rights, 310 980-0362 or Emma Cleveland, ACLU of PA Immigrants' Rights Project, 215 435-1574
Message of Kathy O'Leary:
Voice Your Opposition to Massive New Immigration Detention Center in NJ Proposed Site in Essex County Would Expand an Inhumane System Plagued by a Lack of Oversight that Breaks Apart Families and is Wasteful of Tax Dollars
Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) has proposed a new 2,250 bed facilities in Essex County . This would constitute a significant expansion to the immigration detention system, more than doubling the current number of immigration detention beds currently in NJ. This Wednesday February 9th the Essex County Freeholders will vote on this proposed expansion. Please come out and voice your concerns. What: Essex County Freeholders Meeting When: Wednesday February 9th at 7-9pm (opportunities to speak at the beginning and end of meeting) Where: Hall of Records, Room 506, (use back entrance) 465 Martin Luther King Blvd, (SW corner of MLK and Market) Newark NJ Talking Points Mass Immigration Detention is Morally Wrong Human Rights Violations in immigration detention
Mass Immigration Detention is Wasteful of Taxpayer Funds
Mass Immigration Detention is Harmful to the Community It is unavoidable that this new facility will be used to incarcerate long time county residents with significant ties to the community and split apart local Essex county families.
Conditions in Detention Must be Humane If the building of a new immigration detention center proceeds in Essex County , the county executive and the freeholders must ensure that the complex avoids the human rights abuses found at other detention centers and that the conditions are humane. In order for the conditions in the new center to be considered humane at a minimum we would expect the following: · Visiting hours that include evenings and weekends · Contact visits for family members · The establishment of a visitor's service for detainees with no local family · No restrictions on visits, phone calls, and other contact with lawyers and clergy · Adequate mental and physical health care · Healthy food that complies with dietary restrictions and religious observances · Unrestricted access to communal religious services · True outdoor recreation
Kathy O'Leary "If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole body were hearing, where would the sense of smell be? But as it is, God placed the parts, each one of them, in the body as he intended. If they were all one part, where would the body be? But as it is, there are many parts, yet one body." 1 Corinthians: 17-2 |
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