Estimados Lideres y Amigos / Dear Leaders and Friends: Reciban mi respetuoso saludo / My respectful greetings to all of you. En primer lugar, agradezco infinitamente a Eric, Diana y Jay por su excelente trabajo, compromiso con la causa y el haber conseguido la cafeteria de la Iglesia St. James de Newark para la reunion estatal que se realizara el proximo domingo 12 de Septiembre, 2010. / First of all, I would like to thank infinitely Eric, Diana and Jay for their excellent work, commitment to the cause and for being able to get the cafeteria of St. James Church in Newark for this statewide meeting that will take place next Sunday, September 12th, 2010. Como Ustedes saben, en Nueva Jersey -como en otros Estados-, grupos defensores de los derechos civiles han estado realizando acciones pidiendo una "politica humana de inmigracion"; la cual, le de la oportunidad a millones de hermanos y hermanas indocumentados, de lograr la residencia, vivir tranquilamente en los Estados Unidos de America y buscar la felicidad que se menciona en el preambulo de nuestra declaracion de independencia "Sostenemos como evidentes por sí mismas dichas verdades: que todos los hombres son creados iguales; que son dotados por su creador de ciertos derechos inalienables; que entre estos están la vida, la libertad y la búsqueda de la felicidad" (porcion extraida de Wikipedia). / As you know, in New Jersey -as in other states,- advocate groups of civil rights have been implementing action asking for a "humane policy of immigration,: the one that will give an opportunity to millions of undocumented brothers and sisters to obtain residency, live calmly in the United States of America and search for happiness that is mentioned in the preamble of the Declaration of Independence. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" (Wikipedia). Queridos amigos, muchos de Ustedes nos conocen, hemos tenido el honor de participar con Ustedes de varias acciones, marchas y vigilias, que se reiniciaron en Nueva Jersey desde el 2009. Este humilde servidor de todos Ustedes, junto a la destacada organizadora Rosalina Santos y mi hermano Jose Luis Garcia -cabeza de los "Jornaleros Unidos de Passaic"- nos comprometimos en no descansar y respaldar todo evento que se realizara en Nueva Jersey -sin importar la distancia- para que de esta manera, ayudaramos a crear conciencia en este asunto que nos afecta directamente por ser inmigrantes o hijos de inmigrantes, y principalmente, buscar la UNIDAD. / Dear friends, many of you know us, we have had the honor of participating with you on various actions, marches and vigils that re-began in New Jersey since 2009. This humble servant of all of you together with the distinguished organizer Rosalina Santos and my brother Jose Luis Garcia -head of the "Jornaleros Unidos de Passaic"- promise not to rest and to support all events that happen in New Jersey -regardless of distance- so that this way, we can create awareness on this issue that affects us directly as immigrants or children of immigrants, and mainly, to seek UNITY. Entre los eventos a los que asistimos podemos mencionar: / Among the events that we attend, we can mention: - Marcha del 10 de Diciembre, 2009 "Dia de los Derechos Humanos" (organizada por American Friends Service Committee). La cual se inicio en Newark y finalizo en el Centro de Detenciones de Elizabeth. Ahi tuvimos la oportunidad de conocer a Diana Mejia, Chia Chia Wang, Alix Negtuak de AFSC, Greg Sullivan y a mi hermano de lucha Nelson Carrasquillo de CATA. / March of December 10, 2009 "Day of Human Rights" (organized by American Friends Service Committee). Which began in Newark and ended in the Elizabeth Detention Center. There we had the opportunity to meet Diana Mejia, Chia Chia Wang, Alix Negtuak of AFSC, Greg Sullivan and my brother in the struggle Nelson Carrasquillo, CATA. - Desde el 4 de Enero, 2010 -gracias a la labor de New Jersey Immigration Policy Network- nos estuvimos reuniendo en Trenton con Shai Goldstein, Martin Perez, Rita Dentino, Katty O'Leary, entre otros; para solicitarles a los Asambleistas de Nueva Jersey, la aprobacion del In-State Tuition, cosa que no se logro pero que nos dio la oportunidad de conocernos mejor. / From January 4, 2010, thanks to the work of New Jersey Immigration Policy Network, we were meeting in Trenton with Shai Goldstein, Martin Perez, Rita Dentino, Katty O'Leary, among others, to ask the New Jersey Assembly, for the approval of the In-State Tuition, which was not achieved but that gave us the opportunity to get to know each other better. - El 17 de Febrero, 2010 participamos de la marcha organizada por Pax Christi New Jersey -desde Jersey City al Centro de Detenciones de Elizabeth- con Katty O'Leary a la cabeza. Ahi conoci a Kay Coll de Sisters of St. Joseph, Craig Phipps de Casa Esperanza, entre otros. /On February 17, 2010 we participated in the march organized by Pax Christi New Jersey, from Jersey City to Elizabeth Detention Center, with Katty O'Leary heading the march. There I met Kay Coll Sisters of St. Joseph, Craig Phipps of Casa Esperanza, among others. - El 21 de Marzo, junto a 46 lideres del Condado de Passaic viajamos a Washington, DC para apoyar la accion de Reform Immigration for America exigiendole a Obama que cumpla su promesa de una reforma ya. On March 21, along with 46 leaders of the Passaic County we traveled to Washington, DC to support the action of Reform Immigration for America to demand that Obama fulfills his promise of reform now. - El 22 de Marzo, 2010 gracias a la gestion de American Friends Service Committee, hicimos cabildeo en las oficinas de nuestros representantes y senadores -de Nueva Jersey- en Washington, DC. En esa oportunidad, nos reunimos con Diana, Chia Chia, Alix, Melissa Lozano, Daniel Santo Prieto, Brother John, entre otros; y le entregamos al asistente de Bill Pascrell alrededor de 1,000 cartas firmadas por residentes del Condado de Passaic. / On March 22, 2010 thanks to the management of American Friends Service Committee, we lobbied in the offices of our representatives and senators, of New Jersey, in Washington, DC. At that time, we met with Diana, Chia Chia, Alix, Melissa Lozano, Daniel Santo Prieto, Brother John, among others, and we gave to the assistant of Bill Pascrell about 1,000 letters signed by residents of Passaic County. - El 10 de Abril, fuimos invitados por el destacado Jose Villanueva y nos dirijimos a Lakewood para respaldar la marcha que nuestros hermanos de "New Labor" organizaron, para pedirle al congresista Chris Smith que respalde una reforma de inmigracion. / On April 10, we were invited by the renowned Jose Villanueva and we went to Lakewood to support the march organized by our brothers of "New Labor"; to ask the Congressman Chris Smith to support immigration reform. - El 1o de Mayo, apoyamos a "Unida Latina en Accion" -invitados por el excelente organizador comunitario Jorge Torres- en el evento que realizo en Hightstown. Posteriormente, nos dirijimos a Trenton para apoyar la accion de LALDEF y nuestra apreciada lider social Maria Charo Juega. Y finalmente, nos dirijimos a Morristown para respaldar la accion de "Wind of the Spirit", donde Diana Mejia y equipo reunieron a mas de 500 personas. / On May 1, we supported "Unidad Latina en Accion," invited by the great community organizer Jorge Torres, in the event that was realized in Hightstown. Later, we headed to Trenton to support the action of LALDEF and our valued social leader Maria Charo Juega. And finally, we headed to Morristown to support the action of "Wind of the Spirit", where Diana Mejia and her team reunited more than 500 people. - El 30 de Mayo, usamos la experiencia obtenida en esas participaciones y la sabiduria de todos Ustedes, para realizar -gracias al apoyo de 18 organizaciones del condado de Passaic y 9 asociaciones de Nueva Jersey- la primera marcha por los derechos de los inmigrantes realizada en el Condado de Passaic, donde participaron alrededor de 1,000 personas. / On May 30, we used the experience gained in those participation and the wisdom of all of you, to realize -thanks to the support from 18 organizations of Passaic County and 9 associations of New Jersey- the first march for immigrant rights was realized in Passaic County, where about 1,000 people participated. - El 1 de Julio, la ciudad de Paterson (Condado de Passaic), fue una de las ciudades que realizo la vigilia estatal denominada "Dejen Ir a Mi Gente". Respaldada por Interfaith Immigration Coalition, Pax Christi New Jersey y mas de 40 organizaciones del Estado. Posteriormente, asistimos a apoyar la accion organizada en Morristown frente al Morris County Correctional Facility. En este evento, participaron 12 Condados y fue la muestra de UNIDAD y SOLIDARIDAD mas grande que se haya dado en Nueva Jersey desde el 2006 y motivo por el cual les solicite respetuosamente una reunion con todos los lideres sociales del Estado de Nueva Jersey, para continuar esta tarea. / On July 1, the city of Paterson (Passaic County) was one of the cities that implemented the statewide vigil named "Let My People Go." Supported by Interfaith Immigration Coalition, Pax Christi New Jersey and more than 40 state organizations. Afterward, we attended to support the action organized in Morristown in front of Morris County Correctional Facility. In this event, 12 counties participated and it was an example of UNITY that has not happened in New Jersey since 2006 and that is why I respectfully requested a meeting with all the social leaders of the State of New Jersey to continue with this task. - El ultimo 29 de Julio, realizamos en Paterson y Elizabeth vigilias de solidaridad con nuestros hermanos y hermanas de Arizona, las cuales fueron un exito, pero no se vio la UNIDAD ESTATAL percibida anteriormente. Motivo por el cual, hoy, insisto respetuosamente en la urgencia de una reunion de lideres sociales del Estado de Nueva Jersey. / The last July 29, we implemented in Paterson and Elizabeth vigils in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Arizona, which were a success, but the statewide unity was not seen, as it was seen before. That is why today I respectfully insist on the urgency of a meeting of community leaders of New Jersey. Recalco mi agradecimiento para aquellos que estan haciendo realidad esta reunion, pero es importante que estemos claros en algunos puntos, por esto sugiero respetuosamente lo siguiente: I emphasize my appreciation for those who are actually making this meeting a reality; but it is important that we are clear on some points, so respectfully I suggest the following:
Muchas gracias a todos / Thank you to all Humildemente, / Humbly, David Toledo, MA Community Organizer --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTA; ESTE ES EL MENSAJE QUE ESTA CIRCULANDO Y ES UNA INVITACION A NIVEL ESTATAL. Hi all, There will be an important state-wide meeting of NJ immigrant rights groups, unions and community groups on Sunday, Sept.12, 2:00-5:30 PM, at St. James Church cafeteria ,143 Madison St., Newark (enter through parking lot). This meeting, originally proposed by David Toledo of the Passaic County Coalition for Immigrant Rights, has the goal of reaching an agreement among all of us on demands, future actions and a more permanent way of cooperation, such as a state-wide coalition. Within our group, Diana Mejia, Jay Arena and I have been working with David and others to help organize this meeting. I would like to propose that the Jobs for All Campaign/NJMay 1 formally endorse this meeting. Does anyone have objections to this? I hope as many of you as possible can attend it. If you can, try to have other organizations that you participate in endorse it and send participants. Eric |
Red Democratica 10 years "On line" (1998-2008)!
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